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Categories EIAT
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 22, 2023

Dynamic monitoring and calculations of DER Hosting Capacity

The ability to quantify how much hosting capacity is available for DER installations within a specified area, at a given point in time, throughout time, and the resultant metrics may be used to support the practicalities of Climate Act goal solutioning.

Conversations related to the state of the electrical grid and the infrastructure upgrades that are required for DER development may be supported by custom hosting capacity calculations, the ability to monitor the evolution of the grid throughout time, and filtering features within the IEDR.

Especially those features that enable progressively granular insights into hosting capacity data, such as specific utility, ISO zone, county, aggregation/custom aggregation of feeders, etc...

However, it is understood that all desired hosting capacity filtering capabilities within the IEDR may not be able to inform hosting capacity conversations, as hosting capacity and the related grid circuitry is not necessarily bound by the parameters of IEDR filtering features (for example: one feeder may traverse two Zip Codes).

Example of HC conversations that may be supported by the IEDR:

Statement: XXXXXXX MW of DER hosting capacity is needed in NY to meet Climate Act goals.

Need: understand the dynamic state of DER hosting capacity infrastructure and identify infrastructure planning and prioritization needs that are required to meet Climate Act Goals.

Method: Determine the current amount of hosting capacity that is available, the rate at which hosting capacity is evolving, compare the current rate of HC development against the amount of hosting capacity that is needed, understand where the need for hosting capacity development exists, prioritize the greatest needs, and calibrate planning.

Example scenario of monitoring DER HC throughout time and applying filtering capabilities that may inform the prioritization of grid infrastructure upgrades:

-In 2021 XXXX MW of DER hosting capacity is available in NY

-In 2022 there was XXXXX MW of DER hosting capacity available in NY

-At the current rate, the required XXXXXXX MW of DER hosting capacity will be achieved by 2045

-The utility YYYY has the least amount of DER hosting capacity, and the counties WW and WWW have the least hosting capacity within that utility territory.

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