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Categories EIAT
Created by Marina Derechinskaya
Created on Sep 24, 2024

Scale for MW on PV layer is not consistent

Who would benefit?

Users of EAIT Map

What is the status quo or problem to be solved?

Currently, the EAIT map HC capacity map legend scale is not consistent. The magenta has a range of .05, anything between .1 and .5 have a .1 MW difference, and then the scale changes to a difference of .5 and then 1 MW - it's hard to determine easily what the color scale on the map means w/o having to reference it.

based on the color scale, it's not uniform with a typical heat map. It may be better to have 'green' represented as that one with a highest capacity

What impact would it make?

Would make map more intuitive

How should it work?

recommend to either reduce the color scale and/or make the bins uniforms.

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