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IEDR Ideas Portal

Please use this portal to submit ideas for our development team to consider in its roadmap. For support or data issues, please send an email to: to receive more immediate assistance.

Categories Info Pages
Created by Henry Goodelman
Created on Oct 16, 2024

The IEDR platform should be more easily accessible and visible to users, as it currently seems hidden.

Who would benefit?

Users and stakeholders needing consistent or quick access to IEDR platform.

What is the status quo or problem to be solved?

IEDR’s platform is difficult to find or access, limiting its usability, as it needs to be found on a back page and then selected, and then opened.

What impact would it make?

Increased user engagement and quicker access to mapping data imagery

How should it work?

A quick access button for IEDR could be added to the overall IEDR homepage

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