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IEDR Ideas Portal

Please use this portal to submit ideas for our development team to consider in its roadmap. For support or data issues, please send an email to: to receive more immediate assistance.


Info Pages

Showing 3

Hosting Phase 2 use cases on a website would provide a more interactive and user-friendly experience than the current PDF format.

Who would benefit? Stakeholders, developers, and users accessing IEDR Phase 2 data. What is the status quo or problem to be solved? The current PDF format limits ease of use and interaction with content. What impact would it make? Provides a more ...
Henry Goodelman 2 days ago in Info Pages 0

Updating the participant listing for IEDR, including stakeholders and advisors, would provide greater transparency.

Who would benefit? Stakeholders and those tracking IEDR’s development process. What is the status quo or problem to be solved? Lack of visibility into the roles, expectations, and outcomes of IEDR advisors and stakeholders. What impact would it ma...
Henry Goodelman 2 days ago in Info Pages 0

The IEDR platform should be more easily accessible and visible to users, as it currently seems hidden.

Who would benefit? Users and stakeholders needing consistent or quick access to IEDR platform. What is the status quo or problem to be solved? IEDR’s platform is difficult to find or access, limiting its usability, as it needs to be found on a bac...
Henry Goodelman 2 days ago in Info Pages 0